A film review by: philip kenny eyiyemi
Matric no: 09be08992
Title of the movie: strength to strength
Cast: patience ozokwor, mike ezuruonye, mercy Johnson, tonto dike, michelle ikegulu.
Writer: Monday edoki.
Setting: urban
Language: English.
Country: Nigeria.
Rate: i will rate this movie 4 out of 10.
Costume: Deborah davids.
CAMERA SHOTS: the close-up shot and the extreme close-up shot was used. The medium shot was used. The extreme long shot was used at the introductory part of the movie. The different types of shots were used in many scenes in the movie ,especially the medium shot.
CAMERA ANGLE: the high angle, the mid angle and the low angle were regular in the movie but there was no extreme high angle.
MOVEMENT: no visible camera movements. The camera was static in most of the scenes.
CAMERA SPEED: normal motion i.e. it was recorded at 24 frames per second. No slow motion and no fast motion.
TRANSITION: fade(in and out) for most of the scenes.
I must comment on the shortcomings of this movie I don’t like the idea of costumes, they are poorly used..Also, there was Poor graphics(throughout the movie) and poor sound and visual quality. The viewers would hear the background noise. The camera movement at the beginning was poor.
Some of the scene are so not realistic, the actor recited it like a poem.
Synopsis: the movie open with the scene of two young lovers who are ready to do evryting to make it work, but the young lady’s mother will not allow her, because the boy is jobless, it went to review her, ( the young lady) pregnant, and how she deal with it without her mother’s knowledge making it known to just her younger sister, the young man later get a job and they decided to tie the knot. At the end of everything love finds it way.
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