FILM REVIEW BY: Ocheja, Maria .Ojochide
“Pressing Forward Productions Limited”
DIRECTOR: Afam Okereke
WRITER: Emelu Simon Chibuzor
EDITOR: Uche Ike
ASST. EDITOR: Uchechi Okereke
PRODUCER: Emelu Simon Chibuzor
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Emelu Simon Chibuzor
D. O. P: Onyi Okechukwu
SCREEN PLAY: Emelu Simon Chibuzor
SOUND MAN: Paulinus Magbo
COSTUME: Chiemela Nwagboso
MAKE UP: Justina Ibearanma
GENRE: Tragedy
MAIN CAST: Tony Umez
Omotola Ekeinde
Michael Ezuronye
Chika Ike
The movie opens to a scene where a lady in a copper uniform seats in a living room relaxing and in walks a man who we later find out that he is a fiancé to the lady; the lady, Angel (Omotola Ekeinde) the protagonist of the movie is caught in between living a highly religious life and allowing her fiancé to touch her (have sex with her of cause) since they have been engaged for two years and some six months. They get into an argument and he attempts to rape her but her energy is her salvation.
Coincidentally, she meets an old school classmate, Henry (Michael Ezunronye) also dressed in a copper uniform in the cause of running away from her greatest fear-rape, little did she know that she has met her downfall. Henry decides to take her home since they have not seen each other for a long while. Since Henry knows Angel quite well, he thinks that he can take advantage of her owing to her old life but she now lives a new life and says that she is born again. Henry convinces her by saying “ Sex and Love go together and both of them translate into marriage” for the born again that she says that she is, she holds tight her grounds and refuses to give in.
Angel gives her best friend a download of her experience with her fiancé that almost rapped her but her friend rebukes her and makes jest of her. Much later, Henry’s brother, Albert (Tony Umez) sees her and you will bet with me that there is a thing known as ‘Love at first sight’. Since Albert’s brother Henry is her friend, he should be able to hook both of them possibly so that one form of Chemistry cam commence between them. It seems to me that Angel wants to forget about her Mr. Rapist to move on with life. Eventually, they start going out and in less than three days of knowing her, on an evening outing in a restaurant, he says, “I would like for you to marry me.” Though she is happy, she cannot hide the shocks and shivers climbing up and down her spine.
The relationship between Angel and Albert run silk and smooth until his greedy little brother grows an insatiable quest for wanting to imitate his friends that are going abroad. Albert says that Henry is the only family he has and would not like to risk it for his travelling abroad. Henry becomes aggressive and begins to take it on poor Angel who is trying hard to plead with her fiancé but he is not giving-in. Henry thinks that Angel should seduce his brother Albert and that may just make his brother change his mind but his plans did not happen. Part 1 ends where Henry is strangling the housekeeper for serving him food cooked by Angel and he rebuked the food as he says, “Never serve me any food cooked by that witch again.” The scene dissolves and casts come up.
Part 2 fades in to a scene where Henry comes to pick up Uju who is Angel’s best friend and Henry thinks that this would make Angel jealous since they stay in the same apartment. Angel knows Henry well and does not think leaving her friend in the hand of Henry is a good idea and when she tries to correct Uju, Uju gets aggressive and tells Angel to “Grow Up.”
Since Henry’s mission of travelling abroad does not happen, he barges into Angel’s room and insults her physically and emotionally. Sometimes, he even threatens to start up fights with her but she maturely shoves him off. Henry starts fights with his big brother, Albert but they later reconcile maturely.
The Devil pays Henry’s idle mind a visit and makes him drug Angel who is now his Brother’s wife and he ‘goes into her.’ Nobody knows except the housekeeper, Gina (Rita Johnson). The act that she sees makes her think and acts destructive and she cannot tell anybody because she is scared. Rita decides to take her luggage and sets off back home claiming that she sees her mother in a dream, which sounds like child’s play. However, Albert and Angel let her go but are disappointed in her. Henry wants her to go because he suspects that she must have seen him in his act of evil.
Angel begins to behave in ways that are unacceptable-health wise and Albert decides to take her to the Hospital. There is a test and after this test, Angel is guilty of being pregnant and it is shocking to her and Albert (all thanks to Henry.)
Angel and Albert pick up quarrels and arguments and Angel brings a knife a stab herself but then, Albert decides to take Angel back to her Parents in the village and abandoning her there. He never shared this plan with Angel so she did not know what Albert intends to do.
Angel’s Parents are sitting in front of the house and after exchanging pleasantries, Albert drops the bomb and Angel’s mother cries in amazement. Albert walks away and goes back home little did he know that Angel is tracing her steps back.
She comes back to Albert’s house to stand her ground that it is Albert that is responsible for her pregnancy but Henry his little brother interferes and he gets a slap from Angel. Henry does not just stand there but he returns the slap that leaves Angel helpless and all shaking because of her condition.
Angel bleeds and manages herself to her apartment without help and the scene fades out.
In Conclusion, there is an imbalance at the end of the movie.
QUOTES: “Sex and Love go together and both of them translate into marriage” Henry (Mike Ezuronye) in his brother’s house during Angel’s first visit)
“Your lovely face has taunted me and teased me since I set my eyes on you” Alfred (Tony Umez) during their night-out in the restaurant.
“The Gold that suddenly turned to brass” Alfred (Tony Umez) when he brought Angel (Omotola Ekeinde) back to her parents.
CAMERA MOVEMENT: Horizontal Movements (Pan and Tracking Shots) and Vertical Movement (Crane) were used.
CAMERA SPEED: Normal Motion.
TRANSITIONS: Dissolve and Fade-In and Out
CAMERA SHOTS: Extremely Long Short (especially at the beginning of Part two.), Long Shot, Medium Shots and Close Up Shots.
CAMERA PLACEMENT: Mid Angle and Low Angle.
THEME: Love and Jealousy.
1. Rating: *** out of *****.
2. I feel they did not do a great job in keeping us in suspense
3. Angel (Omotola Ekeinde) carried one hairstyle throughout the movie (from part 1 to part 2)
4. How would somebody have miscarriage and nobody around her could help her (After the Slap).
FLAWS: I feel that the movie is a masterpiece, though I do not like how Henry is successful throughout the movie without any down fall.
Aside all of the above stated, the movie is interesting and educative. Their Camera work and photography is superb. Their soundtrack is classical and nice. The Cast was great and the storyline is quite interesting too.
Nice Movie.
Oh this is really interesting. I never knew such wonderful reviews were done on Nigerian movies. Great job..
ReplyDeleteThis is a very professional review of this movie. Well done..
ReplyDeleteThis reviews gives a really good summary of the vital aspects of the movie.. Good Job..
ReplyDeleteGood Job Maria,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great review; am optimistic that if such reviews are made available to the producers and the entire crew, the Nigerian movie industries will greatly improve and if it does this will increase the yarning of viewers to patronize same. This in turn serves the whole purpose of mass media / mass communication. (Reaching and serving the viewers) You go Maria! am so impressed.
Good Job! With such reviews on Nigerian Movies, the movies industry would make better improvements.
ReplyDeleteI watched this movie few months and i remember reflecting on the quote - “Sex and Love go together and both of them traslate into marriage”. i am impressed with the review. it is so detailed and clearly set out.
ReplyDeleteI must say that i am impressed with the choice of words and tenses...they show professionalism. This is a good review and i hope there would be an improvement in the movie industry especially with regards to paying attention to details. KUDOS!!!
ReplyDelete"Great Review", Maria provides a careful examination of the movie and shows professionalism in her choice of words.
ReplyDeletei think the movie didn't end well, rating i would say 50%. it was far from reality. y did angel not tell her fiance wot happened at the beggining everything started. He would have known what to do may wait for 9months and get the DNA test of every one in the House including his brother (Henry)
ReplyDeletei am the proud owner of the movie,it has a continuation and the title is beautiful bride